主页 > 百科知识 > 12月英文缩写形式


时间:2024-12-18 17:24:01 浏览量:


12月作为一年中的最后一个月,它的英文缩写是由月份的英文名称December (十二月)的前三个字母组成的。



1. Dec - December

2. Xmas - Christmas

3. NYE - New Year's Eve

4. DAO - December Awareness Month (for various awareness campaigns)

5. CCME - Conference on Climate Change, Mitigation and Adaptation in Canada (usually held in December)

6. DJIA - Dow Jones Industrial Average (stock market index)

7. UCS - Universal Children's Day (celebrated on December 20th)

8. WSJ - Wall Street Journal (financial newspaper)

9. UNFCCC - United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (international treaty)

10. CDC - Center for Disease Control (health organization)

11. SAD - Seasonal Affective Disorder (a type of depression that occurs during winter months)

12. PPD - Postpartum Depression (a type of depression that occurs after childbirth)。

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